Tailor-made forms

Tailor-made forms

December 5, 2024

The Child and Family Services Review Board conducts reviews and hearings on a number of matters that affect children, youth and families in Ontario.

The Child and Family Services Review Board conducts reviews and hearings on a number of matters that affect children, youth and families in Ontario. The Board is one of 13 tribunals that make up Tribunals Ontario. It sent a mediation report in English to a Francophone mother, despite the fact that she had asked to receive the report in French. When her case was first opened, the form allowed her to request accommodation measures, but did not clearly specify the offer of service in French. This led her to believe that service was not available in French. Her case was closed on the pretext that she had rejected the report, when in reality, she had not fully understood the English. She then turned to us.

RESULT: As a result of our intervention, the Board updated its forms, specifying at the top of the first page that it offers services in French and giving users the ability to choose their preferred language from the outset. A total of 14 Board forms were changed. The woman subsequently opened a second case in French and informed us that she is now receiving all services in French, both written and oral.

Learn more about the French Language Services Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about services in French.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.